Sunday, August 28, 2005



PROMOTION! We got it served on a silver platter. Like famous swordsman Miyamoto Musashi once wrote - the previous victories were not due to my having mastered strategy.Perhaps it was the order of heaven, or that other teams' strategy was inferior. Anyways the promotion plan was kicked off and leadership and management strategies are handeled accordingly.

Money will be the key. Our warchest needs couple of millions, which is almost impossible to garner at this point in time. Slow poke steady beat going is in the works for the coming season and the ultimate goal is just to remain in the VI division. Higher division means higher spectator income and almost any team should choose promotion instead of remaining put in the lower division, because of this potentially higher income stream.

Saturday, August 27, 2005


In case of promotion

We will make money and continue playmaking training. Purchases will strengthen goal keeping and attack. Maybe investment into youth squad, but focus is on remaining in div 6. Investing into future development will start after securing place on this level.


If we remain in div 7

Team will collect money and continue playmaking training. Youth squad will have their first investments.


Match of the Season

Yep, it is coming. Of my best players, two are on the side and that is my only weakness. Not to worry, my overall lineup is still almost on the normal level and we are going to play hardball - really.

Everything depends on this game, we must win it. Otherwise yet another grinding year on div 7. Leadership is put to the test. Reciliance is put to the test. Every player will be measured up and in the end we will win.

Wednesday, August 24, 2005


Lucky draw

My favourite team to take the top position fumbled and played draw with a mediocre team. The result is that I am suddenly the second team in standings. Strong Stoker is not able to catch my superior goal difference and therefore we are very likely to be promoted. Hurrah for us!

We will play hardball and put everyting on the line in the last game of the season.

Sunday, August 14, 2005



Made a slight mistake with positioning the players. Maybe we could have squeezed out that extra goal if the optimal crew had been on the job. Nevermind. Now we just have to concentrate for the coming games and remember that everything is still possible. We'll know how it will play out soon enough. Congrats for the Stoker.

Sunday, August 07, 2005


International matches

This is my latest graze. Every friendly I play has to be international.

It is hard to train the team in such a remote and small contry as Finland, but it is a challenge that we must tackle. International friendlies are the solution in getting some experience under our belts in this freezing country.

To my experience travel costs are overset by higher match revenue and on the long run I am betting that benefits through faster team development will kick in too. Should be a win-win situation, I should have done this earlier.


Huge mistake

Jan Ismo was Swedish. I guess I have to wait few more seasons before I can have all Finn team.


Hattrick manager software

I have started to use manager program to ease the daily management routines. Stellar program I have to say, I absolutely recommend it. I am going to start posting some experiences of its benefits after I have gotten more familiar with it. Already I can promise that this will improve team results.


First base cleared

BPS is down and now only three teams to go. One is tough, one is hard and one is easy. Six points coming to my way and that does not cut it because some of them have easier finish for the season.

One thing is certain, BPS will remain on this level with its stagnated crew. FC Stoker or Rehujehut are the horses to play. Even I am standing on the top of the pack, our position is very dangerous.

I have to and get a pint of this Finnish lager and maybe check some Helsinki WC to relax a bit. I could also get some pills to do the work, but Im an old fashioned guy and I trust on organic products.

Man, really nerving situation... we had huge expectations in the beginning of the season as there were no other good teams besides FC Stoker, but bad luck struck a blow, however good luck pushed up again, so now it is again just about who has the best team. In any case, exciting finish for the season.

Wednesday, August 03, 2005


Our only chance to get promoted

Now it is decided. This, as far as I see it, is our only way to get ahead of the pack. Very risky and if even one match fails then that is that and we are finished and doomed to stay in this dump of a division. Popping blues and reds all the time, this stress does not do good fer mi. On the edge of slipping into the bottle. Maybe I have to make some pointers on post-it as my last wishes...

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